Today is my dad's birthday...we went to celebrate at a seafood restaurant and ordered a lot of fresh seafood..not only celebrating his birthday , today coincidentally is my FTT exam and i pased it ! SO it's a day for double celebration!:) Yups, so that's a typical birthday celebration by enjoying with food as a family and chit-chatting...nothing much but that's what he likes...and i'm fine with it since he is contented with it....but i hope to give birthday surprises to pple but it is beyond my means since my bro is busy with his sch work and i just rushed back from the driving centre to come back in time to celebrate his birthday! maybe next birthday ba....
Talking about birthdays, I am a little anxious and excited about my birthday next year as i turn 21 the coming january...although it is still quite far from now, i really hope to have a different kind of birthday celebration or a party but i dont think it will happen cos i think most of my friends are busy when the year starts...so i guess just a few close friends and family members who remember my birthday is sufficient .Celebrating with them is enjoyable enough... I am also contented with it although i hope i can have a surprise....( HEy those reading my blog and think too much.... i am not indirectly asking u guys to give me a surprise! i really mean it ...LOL ...PLs dont ...i'm just wishing to myself only ...ok? haha )
ANyway i hope my true friends and family will have their wish come true...and a good year ahead with lots of love :) I also hope that those who are reading my blog will find a gd bf (since i know most of u wish to meet one..lol...) .Hey so weird,, lol i now suddenly realised that those who r reading my blog are single and available, mostly evergreens! CHeers! LOL ...sincerely wish u find ur prince charming...lol !
Ok ....that's about it cos i still having driving lessons almost everyday and after passing the FTT, i can book for the trafic police test ! so i guess B4 my birthday, i can drive!!!:)
Have a nice day and slp well ! I am having insomia recently and school is starting soon...so if u find me posting blogs in the middle of the night , u know the reason;)LOL!
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