Today i went to visit the living Court House -Supreme court. I think it's the first time they have this open house to the public.Crowded. Interesting stuff.Lots of court enactments in the courts. The environment is not at all solemn.Feels like a discussion room with better equipment and microphone-speakers at each desk.Everywhere feels just like an exhibition. Comfortable and high-class environment.We went to listen to 2 ofthe civil enactment proceedings and the trial of the Big Bad Wolf! Its si interesting! Guess who pushed Humty Dumpty? NOt the BIg Bag Wolf! THe Egg was just too sleepy and fell of the wall itself! haha. And many scandals. JAck with the red riding hood. and BIG BAd wolf interested in RED RIding Hood. Triangle Love story. Good to atract people from the public community and mainly open their doors to welcome children of all ages.Including BIg Children Like Caiyu and I=)
We took lots of Pics.. there was white hairy fury thing...Judge wig! LOL. and the law books in the gallery looks l
ike some saced bible or some book of enlightenment! I'm a good photographer to

take at that angle to make some aged book look like precious golden scripture.just kidding!

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